Maybe you knew, and perhaps you didn't, but December 5 is "Repeal Day" - the day we pay homage to that oh-so-blessed day back in 1933 when we got off our collective asses and finally repealed Prohibition with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment. Plus, it's nice to have another holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas, where we can have a "reason" to drink.

Here are five facts about Repeal Day and Prohibition I recently learned and figured might be just the trivia you needed to sound smart the next time Prohibition and Repeal Day come up in casual conversation.
- For 13 years during prohibition (also known as "The Noble Experiment"), it was illegal to manufacture, distribute, buy, or sell alcohol. Still, it was NOT illegal to drink or have alcohol in your home. You couldn’t buy it, give it away, or trade it outside your place of residence, though, so that made it tough to procure, to begin with.
- The 18th Amendment is the only constitutional amendment that has been repealed by another amendment (the 21st Amendment).
- Contrary to popular belief, the majority of production and trafficking of illegal booze was done by individuals, not the mob.
- The umbrella was a symbol used during and after prohibition. It signified keeping the country dry before and during prohibition. Then after repeal, the umbrella would be pictured with rain falling underneath it, and the phrase "wet under the umbrella" was used to refer to the many "wet days" to come.
- The 21st hour (9:00 PM) is traditionally the time for toasts to celebrate Repeal Day. Most people insist that the first drink should be a nonalcoholic beverage to remind us of that awful time before the 18th amendment was repealed.
So there you go! Five fun little factoids you probably didn't know about prohibition and Repeal Day. If you're looking to celebrate in style, you may want to check out our Repeal Day glass that's now available!